After my 3 introductory sessions I was hooked. After each session I still felt a little bit clumsy and awkward but the essence of this unique way of teaching my body to move was starting to make sense. I left every session feeling better than when I walked in; taller, more flexible and energized. I was finding a place to move from my abdominals that I never knew existed! I found myself laying in bed in the morning trying to “curl” my way up off the mattress rather than just getting out of bed like I normally did. I wasn’t particularly good at it, but it became a challenge.
Since I hadn’t found a full-time job, I was doing some part time consulting and was closely watching discretionary spending. I didn’t think I could afford to continue with private sessions, so Miriam suggested that I partner with another client to keep the cost down. When I arrived for our first joint workout, I saw an attractive, grey haired, petite woman. My first thought was “oh no – Miriam really does see me as an old lady”. Will this work?
I was amazed that we jumped right into the basic workout I was familiar with and Mary moved smoothly through the movements. I was hustling to keep up. We chatted a bit as we changed weights, moved benches and adjusted handles and I learned that she was soon to turn 70! What? I was stunned. She became my shero.
If she could do this, so could I!!
As we practiced together over the next several months, I learned that she had been referred to Miriam by her orthopedist because she had severe back pain with nerve involvement that was interfering with her ability to lift one of her legs (I’m sure I’m not describing that in any intelligible medical way, but it’s the best description I can remember). By the time we began to work out together she was able lift her leg!
There was more to this method than just trying to get back in shape and sculpt my body! I had had a frozen right shoulder since 1997 resulting from a fall into a snowbank in Chicago. I had seen multiple chiropractors in both Chicago and Columbia and got regular massages. Both gave me temporary relief from pain and reduced range of motion, but it didn’t last. Was this something I could work to overcome. Stay tuned – spoiler alert, I no longer have a painful frozen shoulder that wakes me up at night and have full range of motion!
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The Movement Studio
1110 Barnwell St Columbia, SC 29201 US - (803) 413-6675